To quickly solve the problem of clogged sewers, you will need an effective tool for cleaning pipes. But you should know that any such product includes quite aggressive components. Therefore, it is possible that the equipment of the sewage system will be damaged as a result of its use. We conclude: when choosing pipe cleaners it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the structural material used in the construction of the pipeline.
Varieties of funds
Tools for cleaning pipes from blockages are available in a variety of forms. This gel formulations, and liquid preparations and powders. Moreover, each consistency has its own advantages.
The dry pipe clogging agent is very compact. From the store you will carry a small-sized bag, not a bulky bottle.
The most economical means for use at home is a gel blocker. Having a specific structure, it spreads perfectly along the walls of the sewer pipe, dissolving the deposits.
To eliminate an emergency of increased complexity in plumbing equipment (for example, if the pipe is completely blocked by a grease plug), the best option would be to use liquid to clean the sewer. The substance of such a consistency directly gets to the place of blockage and performs the task most effectively.
Before purchasing the drug, it is necessary to find out the cause of the blockage. Without doing this, you risk throwing money away.
Chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes made of cast iron
The initial problem of cast iron pipes is not even a low ability to resist corrosion. All troubles lie in the low quality of processing their inner surface, which leads first to the formation of silty deposits, and then full-blown congestion, completely blocking the lumen. Therefore, the use of such a means to eliminate blockages in pipes, which is based on caustic soda, in this case is not the best solution.
Helpful information! Gel-like preparations are most effectively cleaned by cast-iron pipelines. They will not only cope with this negative phenomenon, but also eliminate the cause of silty deposits by filling in the rough relief of the inner surface of the pipe.
Elimination of blockages in steel sewer pipes
Steel pipes are used exclusively for creating diverting sanitary lines as a decorative element. Most often, the stainless steel elbow can be seen under the sinks, where this piece of equipment plays the role, and with success, of a stylish outlet that connects the siphon to the tee of the hidden sewer pipe.
Since stainless steel is able to withstand the effects of any aggressive means from blockages in the pipes, you can not particularly stand on ceremony when cleaning bends. Any preparation is suitable for this: alkaline, based on concentrated hydrochloric acid, and newfangled preparations on a gel-like basis.
Experts recommend using some kind of "long-playing" tool for cleaning granular sewer pipes. It should be filled in the S-shaped segment of the outlet from stainless steel or directly into the sink siphon. When draining water, such a cleaning agent will work both as a main and as a prophylactic.
Household Plastic Pipe Cleaners
Plastic pipes are characterized by a smooth surface, which is why they rarely become clogged. After all, the waste simply has nothing to catch on. But even in pipelines made of polymeric material (the most common is polyvinyl chloride - PVC), the formation of congestion is not ruled out. First of all, on the bends and turns of the sewer system.
In the old manner, many use a plunger for cleaning. But this accessory is only suitable for working with metal pipes. Joints of plastic products may simply not withstand water hammer.
Of course, a plunger is not a panacea. He is able to eliminate not any blockage. If it does not help, it is allowed to use the usual alkaline agent to clean the sewer pipes. After pouring it into the drain, the alkali will begin to destroy waste of organic origin without violating the integrity of the sewer equipment.
And remember: not every plastic pipe can withstand the effects of chemicals. Therefore, in order not to damage the sewage pipe made of this material, before pouring the drug, carefully read the instructions for its use.
Such, even, in your opinion, the best tool for cleaning sewer pipes, should not be used if the pipe is completely clogged. A blockage can cause it to splash back into the sink, which can damage the surface of the sanitary equipment. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the ventilation of the room and to wear gloves without fail. And do not allow contact of the mouth and eyes with this remedy for clogging of pipes at home and its fumes.
Helpful advice! If chemistry has not been able to eliminate the blockage, do not rush to dismantle the pipe to clean it. There is a mechanical way. The greatest effect is achieved by using an automatic spiral cleaning machine. Although for this you have to call a professional plumber, the cost of his services will be less than the cost of dismantling / installing the problem area with your own hands.
In addition, you can try to eliminate the blockage with a standard plumbing cable. Some experts use two cables at once, which during rotation clean the entire surface of the pipes. Various devices and cleaning devicesfor example, supplying water to a clogged pipe under high pressure.
Cleaning sewage pipes from grease
This topic deserves a separate discussion. Fat deposited on the walls of the pipeline causes operational clogging. Particles of food waste stick to the film created by him, which again are covered with a layer of fat.
According to reviews, the best tool for cleaning sewer pipes from grease is "Pothan". But when using it, it is necessary to observe the increased security measures, which were discussed above.
The use of means for cleaning pipes "Pothan" involves the following actions:
- removal of water from the sink, not only from above, but also below the drain (at least 5 centimeters);
- potchan in an amount of up to 100 grams is poured into the hole;
- after 3 minutes, pour a glass (up to 250 ml) of hot water;
- after the same period of time, washing is carried out under running warm rather than cold water.
The only drawback of the best tool for cleaning sewer pipes from Pothan grease is its relatively high cost. But do not forget that one ordinary packaging is enough for several applications.
In addition, non-compliance with the rules for its use can cause a chemical burn. And when eliminating the blockage with the help of "Potkhan", for the complete removal of fumes, it is necessary to use additional equipment (exhaust hood or fan).
Some modern means of cleaning sewer pipes
Tiret. This gel is available in the following types: professional, prophylactic and turbo. Their composition is different in the amount of active substances. Any Tiret can be used for both plastic and metal pipes.
"Mole". Such a tool for cleaning sewer pipes is in high demand. Available in liquid or gel form. "Mole" eliminates the most different types of pollution:
- collagen fibers (hair, fish scales);
- food leftovers;
- body fat.
"Mister Muscle". This drug belongs to the category of the most effective means for cleaning sewer pipes. In addition to removing deposits such as hair and food particles, it kills the bacteria that live in the pipes. Available in the form of gel and foam.
It is impossible to say unequivocally which means for cleaning sewer pipes is the best. It all depends on the specifics of the deposits.