
For heating

Welded steel pipe: production methods and their features

The pipe is welded. What materials are made of. Some manufacturing features. How to get electric welded pipes. How to get a stainless honed pipe.
Categories: Plumbing, Gas, For heating|Tags: |

Bored piles with casing: features and principles of work

Bored piles with casing: technology for deepening drilling equipment with reinforcing rod walls. Features of phased installation. The choice of casing material, their diameter and method of fixation.
Categories: Application|Tags: , |

Fire hydrant: principle of operation and dimensions

Fire hydrant sizes. Classification. Underground fire hydrant. Ground Fire Hydrant Installation Rules. Operating principle. Calculation of the number of connections.
Categories: Application|Tags: |

All the nuances of plastic sewer pipes

Plastic sewer pipes - their characteristics, types and installation. Selection of diameters and accessories for PVC pipes. Corrugated Pipes.
Categories: Sewer and Gutters|Tags: |

Which is better - radiator or convector: all aspects of a difficult choice

Which is better, a radiator or convector - a comparative analysis of the main performance indicators. The principles of natural and forced convection, electrical and steam appliances, a comparison of efficiency and efficiency
Categories: For heating|Tags: , , |

DIY repair of heating batteries from cast iron and bimetal

Repair of heating batteries as a way to extend the method of their operation, increase efficiency and prevent breakthrough in the network. Diagnostics of malfunctions. Preventive flushing and ambulance for small cracks and significant leaks in the heating circuit.
Categories: For heating|Tags: , |

Chimney Galvanized Pipe: Solving Corrosion Problems

Galvanized chimney pipe - the main characteristics, advantages and conditions of use. Extending the life of pipes using galvanizing. The process of galvanizing sheet metal.
Categories: Smoke and Ventilation|Tags: |

Copper heating radiators: choose the most durable and high-quality models

Copper heating radiators as a more durable alternative to other metal heating equipment. Recommendations for the installation and operation of thermal equipment made of copper.
Categories: For heating|Tags: |

Aerodynamic calculation of the chimney parameters of the boiler room

Aerodynamic calculation of the chimney of the boiler room. Indicators for computer and practical calculation. Chimney: design and types. Calculation of height and diameter.
Categories: Smoke and Ventilation|Tags: , , , |

Fittings for polyethylene water pipes of various diameters

Fittings for polyethylene pipes - common types and their purpose. Features of installation. Advantages of fittings. Properties of pipes made of low pressure polyethylene.
Categories: Fittings and End Caps|Tags: , |


