Often the question arises whether it is allowed to independently insert the water pipe, and if not, what penalties will be taken by state organizations for this violation. You must immediately say that such an event is illegal. The entire highway is under the jurisdiction of the communal service, so this issue is resolved only through it. Otherwise, an illegal tapping into the water supply threatens the homeowner with a fine. Other sanctions can be expected.
What is considered an unauthorized connection to water networks
This concept means that the subscriber has made a connection without first obtaining permits or in violation of any technical requirements and conditions that are provided for by the installation procedure for equipment designed to transport water. Utilities regularly conduct raids to verify water consumption, so the fact of illegal tapping, of course, will be recorded in the relevant act.
It is considered illegal to connect to the water supply system without the participation of representatives of the supervisory authority (such is Vodokanal) and technicians. The act shall indicate the place, date, exact time of the inspection, revealed violations, information about the subscriber and the supplier is entered. This document serves as the basis for bringing the subscriber to administrative responsibility. The amount of the fine for illegal tapping into the water supply depends on the category of offender. The numbers are as follows:
- legal entities pay a fine of at least 20, a maximum of 30 thousand rubles;
- officials will have to pay from 2 to 3 thousand rubles;
- ordinary citizens are fined one to one and a half thousand rubles.
In addition, the offender may become a criminal. This will happen if the violations committed by him fall within the scope of paragraph “B” of the third part of the article under number 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. And this will entail imprisonment.
In addition to the fine, the subscriber will have to pay the amount calculated according to the following formula:
S = PxDxV,
where: S - the amount of the fine; P - maximum daily throughput of illegally injected pipes (cubic meters); D is the number of days in the last six months; V is the cost of a cubic meter of water.
As practice shows, the amount usually exceeds the subscription fee for water consumption over several years. Therefore, it is much cheaper to use a water supply system legally. In addition, one should not forget about the domestic consequences of illegal tapping of plumbing equipment. They can be like this:
- a drop in water pressure throughout the apartment building;
- deterioration in water quality. This phenomenon is due to the lack of the ability to independently disinfect the pipes and conduct a full analysis of the incoming fluid;
- the low quality of the work performed will inevitably cause the destruction of the water supply system;
- Disputes with neighbors.
Good to know! In addition to the need to pay fines, be prepared for the fact that your home will lose water for an indefinite period of time. After all, the sidebar can simply be dismantled.
Documents for legal insertion
As customers of works on connecting to the water supply system can be:
- institutions whose field of activity is resolving issues related to the management and disposal of the housing stock. Legally, they should be in charge of engineering infrastructure facilities;
- enterprises authorized to provide water supply services to the population living in a municipal, public or departmental fund;
- associations of homeowners in high-rise buildings and various partnerships entitled to manage the housing stock.
For legal connection of public water supply equipment - re-profiled, undergoing reconstruction, expanded or new - the subscriber must have the following documents:
1. Issued by the WSS of their district TU for connection to water supply systems. To receive them, the customer must provide the enterprise with an application and attach to it, in turn, the following package of documents:
- application for the development of technical specifications (three copies and the original);
- seven copies of the situational plan;
- two copies and the original projected balance of water consumption and sanitation;
- documents confirming the authority of the head of the organization. These are the order of appointment and the order of taking office.
- constituent documents of the customer company. Only two copies will be enough;
- urban development plan of the site;
2. Confirmation by local authorities of the subscriber's valid conclusion from the regional water supply system that there are technical possibilities for connecting to the water supply and sewage systems.
If the customer is a private person, in addition to the above documents, he must provide an unexpired passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Rules for using the facility
In accordance with the rules adopted in August 1995, an individual is obliged:
- allow employees of the service organization to carry out inspections and inspection of water supply meters, as well as the condition of the water supply equipment as a whole;
- when using the plumbing and sewer, observe safety precautions;
- not violate the operation of the water supply system.
Private person is prohibited:
- independently re-equip engineering communications without the permission of the service organization. It was said above that an illegal tapping into a water supply system will cause administrative liability;
- connect electric and other devices to the water supply system that exceed the permissible (calculated) technical ability of the domestic water supply equipment;
- modify existing devices with which the volume of services provided is taken into account;
- drain from thermal appliances.
Legalization of the sidebar
To avoid the penalty for tapping into the water supply, there are two ways:
- Do not make an illegal connection. If an unauthorized insert has already been made - eliminate it;
- legalize the sidebar.
Good to know! Legalization is a procedure for formalizing a connection made without the permission of utilities.
For this purpose, it is necessary to contact the subscription department of a water utility, having the following documents with you:
- passport;
- certificate of ownership of the apartment or registration certificate for the house;
- all available technical documentation for water.
If the insert into the water supply system was made without violations of SNiPs, its dismantling may not be required. However, you still need to collect a package of necessary documents (permits, approvals and all references). You can do the following: apply to one of the cooperatives that operates under your territorial water utility. These firms provide the population with paid services for the installation of external water supply and sewage networks, including tapping into central pipelines and collectors. To the leader of such a cooperative and explain the situation. And finding a common language with a business person will not be difficult. For the official solution of difficult tasks, such organizations, in fact, were created. There you will be assisted in drafting an application for the insertion of an allegedly new line, and will help with the project. But, of course, not for free. However, taking into account the size of potential fines, this will be a cost-effective solution.