Thin-walled pipe: Types of thin-walled products, standardization according to GOSTs, assortment, production methods. Conditions and scope. Processing and installation requirements.
Crafts from PVC pipes. The use of PVC pipes for the assembly of furniture, decor elements, garden accessories. The main advantages of pipes as a material for creativity.
Underfloor heating from metal-plastic pipes and copper products: requirements for underfloor heating, system structure, the use of metal-plastic and copper pipes, especially laying and fastening.
Do-it-yourself natural and forced ventilation from sewer pipes: equipment for air exchange systems, parameters, advantages and disadvantages of sewer pipes.
Do-it-yourself installation of metal-plastic pipes for a water supply system: features and basic characteristics of pipes, installation rules, necessary parts and tools.
How to measure the diameter of the pipe. Methods of factory control and in a production environment. Metric system and measurement in inches. Methods developed by practice.